Have you ever seen a surf suit like this? – SiySiy

Have you ever seen a surf suit like this?

If you have ever been to a beach, you must have observed that some swimmers, boogie-boarders, or surfers wear shirts instead of swimsuits while diving into the waves. Well, those are actually rash guards. Do you want extra protection from the dazzling sun rays when you are at the beach? If yes, then the rash guard is your savior!

Now you must be wondering what a rash guard is? A rash guard is a fitted athletic shirt that shields the beach vacationers from the sun and many other factors. Usually, it is made up of polyester, nylon, and spandex, and people wear them while swimming or simply hanging out on the beach. This water wear protects you from several natural elements when you make contact with them. Seems a little odd? Let us tell you how; have a look!

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